Sex, Love & Everything In Between

EP 106: Which Sacred Feminine Archetype Are You Ready to Reclaim?

Meg and Jacob O'Neill Episode 106

"If a woman pushes down any part of her, she pushes down her power."

In this solo episode, Meg dives deep into the Sacred Feminine Archetypes Quiz—a tool designed to reveal the part of you that’s been suppressed the most and is now calling for reclamation. These aren’t just personality types; they’re portals to your liberation.

Whether you resonate with the fiercely expressed woman, the deeply feeling woman, the erotically alive woman, or the body-led woman, this episode will illuminate the archetype you’re most needing to step into for deeper embodiment, power, and feminine liberation.

Meg unpacks why these archetypes have been demonized for centuries, how they’ve shaped the way women experience their bodies and voices, and how reclaiming them can radically shift your life. If you’ve ever felt like you’re too much or not enough, this conversation is your invitation to remember who the f*ck you are.

Meg also riffs on:

  • Why you’re not just breaking cycles—you’re remembering ancient wisdom.
  • The women in your lineage who were once revered for their feminine power.
  • A plant medicine journey that cracked open a new level of embodiment.
  • How feminine energy isn’t something to “learn” but something to unleash.
  • The micro-decisions that make you a chain breaker every single day.
  • Why owning your voice, sexuality, and wild feminine fire changes everything.
  • How your liberation ripples through generations to come.


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This is probably the biggest one in our culture and our collective that has been, demonized right? The woman that is an erotically alive that is liberated in her sexual expression. And this doesn't just mean within the four walls of her bedroom with a partner, this is liberated. She's just got her eros liberated through her body. She walks through life embodied, right? Liberated in the way she moves wildly. Expressed. She's not she. Her lifeforce energy is liberated. Her life force energy is moving through her. Yeah. She's radiant as fuck. The she because she's erotically alive. Yo yo yo lovers. Welcome, welcome, welcome to sex, love and everything in between. Where the O'Neals. You're here with Meg and Jacob. And this is the place we have really uncensored conversations about sex, intimacy and relationships. Well, super excited you're here. Enjoy this episode. It. Hello my loves, it is Meg. We are back for another solo episode. Just you and I. And if you have not already seen my team and I launched a quiz this week. It is so fucking epic. I'm actually recording this. On what day is it? Monday. And so we launched the quiz this morning, and I think over 100 of you have already done it, so it's epic. I'm sure it's going to be a whole lot more by the time you listen to this. I'm so fucking excited about this creation. I've actually been, this has been in the works for maybe like six months. So it's been a long time. And is there anyone that's a coach or a creator? If you ever want to do a quiz, it's it takes a lot. There are a lot of moving parts. Just an FYI, I so I'm very excited that it's out in the world. I'm very excited. So many of you have already dived in. But I'm using this episode because I want to I want to really speak into, what this quiz is all about the different results, the different archetypes. This is called the Sacred Feminine Archetypes Quiz. It is a quiz that illuminates. It's the archetype you are most needing to reclaim in your body, to step deeper into your feminine power, to feel deep liberation in your body. So I want to talk about these four different archetypes today. If you haven't already done the quiz, you can head to the link below. It's on my Instagram or just head to Meg Hyphen O'Neill. That's with a double L or an E, double and you can do the quiz there. And when you do the quiz you are going to get such a very deep dive comprehensive. Kind of. What am I looking for? What might am I looking for? You're going to get a deep dive video and also a really in-depth PDF with practices with, yeah, with how to step into this archetype with a whole lot of different steps. So that awaits you in your results page once you do the quiz. But also in this particular episode, I'm just going to like touch on each of the results as well, because let's be honest, these archetypes that I'm going to be speaking into, these are all archetypes that our entire culture and our collective suppress in women. We for thousands of years, these archetypes, these different expressions of woman have been pushed down. We have been taught as women, our mothers and grandmothers. Many of the women that came before us were taught that it was dangerous to be these types of women. And so before I go any further, the four archetypes are the fiercely expressed woman. So this is the woman that owns her truth, right? That spits fire, right? That doesn't push down her voice or silence herself. She speaks even when there's the potential to make others uncomfortable. But she speaks. The second archetype is the deeply feeling woman. This is the woman that embraces and owns and allows the full spectrum of emotions to move through her. She has let go of the idea that there's an emotional hierarchy. She's stop trying to be the high vibe girl. I'm the one that's like, I only I only feel high vibe. I only feel high vibrational emotions. Know the deeply feeling. Woman knows that every single fucking emotion is a portal to liberation, and that anything that is alive in her, she is here for for her to feel and own and express and meet deeply to her all emotions. A holy since this is a deeply feeling woman again, this kind of woman for thousands of years has been, has been pushed down and we've been made to feel as if it is not okay. It is too much to be the deeply feeling woman. The third archetype is the erotically alive woman. This is probably the biggest one in our culture and our collective that has been, demonized right? The woman that is an erotically alive that is liberated in her sexual expression. And this doesn't just mean within the four walls of her bedroom with a partner, this is liberated. She's just got her eros liberated through her body. She walks through life embodied, right? Liberated in the way she moves wildly. Expressed. She's not she. Her lifeforce energy is liberated. Her life force energy is moving through her. Yeah. She's radiant as fuck. The she because she's erotically alive. This is the third archetype. And the fourth archetype is the body led woman. And this is really the woman that trust the motherfucking instincts. Again, this is an archetype that has been pushed down for thousands of years. We as women have been taught that it's not safe to trust our instincts, that we have to outsource our decision making, outsource, everything to something or someone outside of us, to an expert, to a book, to a man, to something else. We have been systematically disconnected from our bodies, and therefore disconnected from the ancient wisdom that pulses through our blood and pulses through our veins and pulses through our bones. Yeah. And so these are the four archetypes of easily expressed woman, the deeply feeling woman, the erotically alive woman, or the body led woman. And when you do the quiz, you are going to your result is going to be the archetype that you most need to bring alive in your body, aka the one that you have been taught most by your culture, by your family, by the world, by the humans around you. The archetype that you've been taught most is the most dangerous, the one that you should not be is the woman, the one that's going to make you too much, the one that's going to make you, fill in the fucking blank, right? Fill in the fucking blank. And like I said, most likely for every single woman there is a there's been elements of each of these archetypes that we've pushed down in our lives. But most, most likely there is one that feels most uncomfortable, most edgy for us to fully embody. And this is what the quiz is going to be like, edging it towards. Right? Because this archetype is the portal to your liberation. This archetype, this part of you, because it is a part of you. This is part of your full spectrum womanhood, right? If a woman pushes down any part of her, she pushes down her power. She dilutes her power. Be doorway to our liberation right now, our aliveness as women is by remembering, reclaiming all the parts of ourselves, reclaiming all the parts, especially that the world taught us were wrong with too much, were again, fill in the fucking blank. And so when you get your quest a result, most likely, yeah, it's gonna feel a little edgy, right? So, for example, you get the fiercely expressed woman, you're going to get this result if you, if you were the type of woman that potentially in your relationship, there's something in your body, there's something on your heart. There's like words burning in your throat. But instead of speaking them into the relationship or being witnessed in them, you push them down, right? You bite your tongue. Oh, you feel the fear of, oh my gosh, you know, what is he going to think? Oh my gosh, I can't say that. You hold it back and then most likely you're going to build up resentment. You're going to feel right. You're going to your body is going to be heavy with the words unspoken. Yeah. This is the when, when, when we push down this archetype of the fiercely expressed woman, we come, we become exhausted women. We become women walking through the world full of motherfucking resentment. We become women heavy with resentment, which then leads to being disconnected from our body, being disconnect from our pleasure and our liveness. Because our body is heavy with resentment and our body is like clogged. Right? It's it's like when you haven't when you haven't pooped. I mean, you're constipated, right? This is like when there's this like, I've never used these words before, but like this vocal constipation. Yeah. Our energy body feels that our physical body feels that when we are holding things in. And so potentially this is your edge to awaken your fiercely expressed woman to, to practice becoming and reclaiming the part of you that speaks full fucking stop that speaks even when her voice is trembling, when that speaks, even when it makes them want to throw up a little bit. That speaks even when she knows her words might land and have someone feeling a little uncomfortable. Yeah, this is the gift of the fiercely expressed woman. This is why she feels such liberation. Because she's devoted to truth. She's devoted to being witnessed in her truth. She's devoted to speaking her truth. She's devoted to liberating her body by expressing what is real, true in a life of her. So my lives. Maybe this is your edge. Maybe this is your edge. And if this is your edge and this is the result you get, I promise you your whole motherfucking life will change. When you start to lean into reclaiming this part of you, the fiercely expressed woman. Right? Like I said, when you're not speaking your truth and I know, I know, I know every woman listening to this, but especially if you get this quiz result. If you get this quiz result, you know the motherfucking pain of saying yes when you really mean no. You know the motherfucking pain of staying silent when you really wanted to speak. You know the fucking pain of saying something that you really didn't mean, or not speaking your boundary because you were worried what people would think of you or how they would perceive you. You know what that feels like. And when you choose to step over the threshold of reclaiming this part of you, the fiercely expressed woman, the liberation that you will feel, my God, the liberation that you will feel. And I know this because I used to be a woman that felt the fucking fire and and the burning of truths in her throat, and was not able to express them in the world. I know I've lived the heaviness of unspoken words, but this is one of the biggest archetypes I've reclaimed in my body. Oh oh, okay, before I go any further, I just I've got some notes here for for each. I'm actually I've got the quiz result page because when you do the quiz, you're going to get a quiz result page with, with all with all the dates. So I just want to speak into anything else here. And. Oh okay. So no actually I don't I'm speaking to that. I want you to just go and do that. If this is your quiz result, there's practices for each result as well. But I don't want to give them away. Yeah. So if this is you, if you like. I think this is me. I think this is the part of me I mean, I'm needing to reclaim in order to step deeper into my power, deeper into my liberation, deeper into my full expression, to walk the world as a full spectrum woman. You know, I talk about being a full spectrum woman a lot. That's kind of my whole thing. This is what I truly means to reclaim not only one of these archetypes, but all of these archetypes. The full spectrum woman is she's not perfecting all of this, but this is her practice. She's she's reclaiming her fierce expression. She's reclaiming her bodily instincts. She's reclaiming her eroticism. She's reclaiming her deep sensitivity and ability to feel it all and express it all. Yeah. So this is what it really means to to be a full spectrum woman, to reclaim all the parts of us that we were taught to push down, hide away, cage up, or totally disassociate from. Okay, let's dive into the next one the deeply feeling woman. So, like I said before, the deeply feeling woman is really this archetype that sees all her emotions as wholly right, especially the uncomfortable ones. Yeah, we as a whole, culture and collective, no matter what gender, have been taught to push down uncomfortable emotions, but especially as women, we have been taught not to feel and especially not to express certain emotions. Maybe this is something like rage or anger because it might make us be perceived. It might have other people perceive us as too much, right? Or crazy or, you know, if could go deeper into this in terms of the whole like, Madonna, whole complex or we've been the way that as women we've been taught that a woman, in her full expression for the last few thousands of years, is like the witch or the crazy woman or the woman that's totally demonized or ostracized from society. So we as women, of course, we don't want to be that right. Of course we want to be the good girl. We want it. So we. So what do we do? We sanitize our expression. We sanitize our emotions. We push down all the things that we think might seem too much. We push down all the uncomfortable emotions so we can be this pretty happy, desirable, acceptable. Not too much sanitized. Good. Go. Yeah. And excuse me, but what? But what's the legacy of that in our fucking bodies? What's the fucking legacy of that? I know that feeling, right? To be a woman that is so disconnected from the emotions that want to be expressed through her vessel. Exhaustion, disease in the body, right? Depression, heaviness, disconnection, the inability to feel deep intimacy and connection with the humans around us. The legacy of disconnecting from our deeply feeling woman runs so fucking deep in every woman. But especially if you receive, this is your quiz result. This is the portal. This is the doorway to your liberation. To activate, to reclaim the part of you that knows how to feel deeply. This is one of our superpowers as women and feminine beings, to feel deeply right, to give ourselves over to what is alive, to be like Mother Earth, right to let whatever wild expression you know, if we think of Mother Earth, there's there's, you know, she she lets whatever's alive move through her or the let's look at nature rather not just Mother Earth, but nature. Right? It's not always just pretty and calm and peaceful. There's lightning, there's thunder. There's wild storms, there's there's tornadoes, there's tsunamis. There's all these different things. And and nature just allows those energies to move and then come back into harmony and this is really in, you know, if we're here to reclaim that deeply feeling woman again. And I'm not going to go into detail in this episode, there's actually an episode right back at the beginning of when we did the podcast around, I'll link it below because it's I really want to one of the things I really teach around the nuance of this is it's not about projecting our emotions onto other people, and we get, I am a deeply feeling woman. I'm a full spectrum woman. And then we get just like, free rein to vomit there and rage over everyone. No, I'm not talking about that. The deeply feeling woman, this archetype is masterful at welcoming and allowing whatever is alive in her to be there. She's masterful at feeling it, embodying it, being with it, welcoming it, not trying to push it on, on project it out to someone else. But being with it. She doesn't. She doesn't, rage all over someone. She allows other people to potentially witness her. In her rage. She welcomes her rage. She breathes with her rage. She sounds with her rage. She moves with her rage. Right? And her grief and a joy in her ecstasy and all of it. One thing I love to say is our ability to feel one thing is our ability to feel all things. So if we are pushing down our rage and feel like I'm just not an angry woman, I just never feel that feeling, well, that's inhibiting our ability to feel pleasure and ecstasy and joy and gratitude and all the glorious emotions that we do yearn for. We deeply want to. That would be our preferable emotions, right? But the deeply feeling woman knows that all emotions are wholly, that she can taste liberation. She can free her body and and experience the state of liberation when she truly gives herself over to whatever emotion is alive. So this archetype is really about almost like resting into the spiritual practice, which is feeling it all and welcoming whatever is alive within us. It's going to see if there's anything else, and you're going to receive this as a quiz result. If you feel, if you really carry the story of my emotions are too much, if you feel like, you apologize for your tears or you really take yourself into, out of certain situations to just tend to your emotions yourself or just, you wouldn't ever want anyone to witness you in your emotions or, there's a real disconnect or a fear of being vulnerable. Even with the people that are really close to you, you feel yourself numbing when when anything becomes uncomfortable. If this is some of the things, if those resonate, you most likely potentially going to end up with this result. And again, once you reclaim this archetype, she is the portal to so much transformation in your life because even your sex life, for example. You need to be connected to the deeply feeling woman to be able to have a body that's able to experience deep levels of pleasure. Because if you're in a body heavy with unprocessed emotions, you're not in a body that's able to experience pleasure or run pleasure in ecstasy or, or eros through, through your system. So your sex is going to get better. Your connections and relationships are going to get better because your heart's going to be open. There's going to be more space to feel. You're going to be able to allow your partner in more, instead of hiding or caging Apple contorting yourself so you don't he doesn't witness you in certain things, or you don't show him certain parts of yourself or certain emotions. Right? You going to feel fucking alive. You're going to have so much more freed up lifeforce in your body because you're not trying. So hard to push down emotions. Your life force isn't spent, so much of your life force isn't going towards pretending or pushing down or putting on a smile. And that's not truly how you feel, right? You get to feel fucking free. Okay? And you're going to liberate a fuck ton of your power. I used to be someone that said I'm not an angry person. This is when I was like on my spiritual high horse. Oh, that's a lower vibrational version. I'm into high vibrational emotions and feeling high vibe, so I'm just not that kind of woman. I never feel anger. I never so rage used to look down at people and just think they weren't as ascended on the spiritual path as me. If they felt rage, anger, any of these quote unquote negative emotions, then I stepped onto the path of embodiment. And in feminine embodiment specifically, I began descending into my body. I began feeling the rage that lived in my body, the unprocessed rage. Rage. I became a woman that was willing to feel rage and anger if it was there in my body and holy fuck did that liberate? Did I get to meet more of my power? This like dark, feminine, right? This part of us that the world teaches us, we shouldn't be the witch, right? The demonized one, the part of woman that we don't want to be because we're scared people aren't going to love us in that. All right, don't be the dark, crazy witch. Don't be the dark feminine. Yeah. This part of us that the world is taught us is is wrong. Yeah, but she is part of our power sometimes. I've never even, like, a rage practice. Right. And for those of you that are inside full spectrum woman, the membership will come and step inside. We have a really beautiful rage practice. We should actually do a monthly rage like a rage practice. Live soon if you remind me. If you're listening to this in my team, remind me to do a right practice. Do we have a really beautiful rage practice in that? And I have. This is one of the the places I felt most alive when I am allowing rage to just be present in my body, when I'm expressing it, when I'm moving it, when I'm breathing it, that when I'm allowing it to to to take up motherfucking space in my body. And. Yeah, this, this is one of the most deeply transformative pieces of reclaiming the deeply feeling woman is, the DACA, the DACA, parts of of you that she's going to liberate and the power you're going to feel in your body because of that. Yes, yes, yes. Okay. Let's move on. We got two more to go through. And maybe even if you haven't done the quiz like stay with me for these next two. And maybe you can even like take a guess as to what you're going to be and what archetype you're going to be, and then you can go and play with it. And like I said, this isn't this isn't like, this is the the only archetype that you're here to reclaim and embody, but the one you get as the Queen, the result is the one that is asking most for your attention, the one that has been most pushed down in your body, the one that feels like the biggest edge for you. And maybe that's where you begin. And then the other places you come back to. Okay, let's go to the erotically alive woman next. So the erotically alive woman. Right. This archetype is really the woman that has reclaimed her pussy. She has descended into her body. She knows the pleasure and the power that exists in her pussy. She knows, what a magical, sexual, erotic masterpiece her body is. And she lives as this. She's not just erotically alive in the context of sex. She's erotically alive as she moves through life, right? She's unleashed the wild, primal, erotic energy that lives in her body. And again, she's not just unleashing that or allowing herself to feel that when she's in an intimate moment or a sexual moment, she is leaving from that place. Yeah, she has integrated and moves through and felt any shame that she's been taught to feel around her vulva, around her vagina, around her sexuality, around her pussy, around her aliveness, around her body is a woman, right? She's. Which is often the legacy we carry as women. Right? I'm I'm sure majority of women listening to this right now. You inherited a legacy from your mother, your grandmother, the women that came before you. That was one of shame. One of shame around sexuality, one of shame around your body, one of shame around how you've overlooked or felt or around pleasure. All of these different things. It's very rare that I mean a woman that, had a mother that got to witness her mother connected to her pleasure. And I'm not saying in a sexual way, but even with a woman that was that was connected to her pleasure. And her body is a machine moved through life. So this is actually, like I said earlier, one of the archetypes that is most deeply pushed down in our culture, most deeply demonized. Right. I often talk about I will I spoke about before in the Madonna whole complex, our culture, and this has happened for a really long time, likes to say that there's two types of women. There's the Madonna, the good girl, the mother of Christ. Right. She's like the mother material. She's like, can do no wrong. She's the good girl. And then there's the whore. The slut, the one that sleeps around, the one that's sexually liberated. And you can you can't be both. Our culture says that you cannot be both, right. It might not. And this is like the undertone of our culture. And you even see this play out with, in, in the way men, men view women and then the way we as women view ourselves, this discomfort, to being our eroticism full stop, but especially this discomfort to be in our eroticism or sexuality once we're wife or once we have, had a baby, or once we've had children. And so, like I said, this is the part of us, the erotically alive woman, that our culture most, disconnects us from or has us fear. Again, you can either be the homemaker or the whore, the Madonna or the whore. And if you choose the whore, just know that you're not going to be mother material. You can't be a good wife. Then you can't be a good mother. You can't really be trusted. That's who you are. That's how. That's the only thing you can be. That's what our that's what our culture tells us. And if you weren't aware, it's absolute fucking bullshit. And you don't have to you, you can, control, delete that story out of your system. And I highly, highly, highly encourage you and invite you to do that, because what lies on the other side of that, of clearing that story out, is you being able to reclaim the erotically alive woman in your body, you being able to reclaim her and all of the gifts that she carries because, fuck, she carries some gifts. Shall we go into her gifts? This part of you, when you start to reclaim the erotically alive woman, you start to descend down into your body. You're no longer a woman that lives, you know, from the shoulders up. You descend down into your body and you start to. First of all, I'm a huge pot of awakening. This pot of you is meeting any shame, meeting any, many, any shame, anything that sits on top of your pleasure. Anything that sits on top of the erotically alive woman. And these are all the stories this might be lived experience, trauma, inherited experience, trauma. But really, when we are able to liberate the erotically alive woman, this is being embodied. This is unleashing a life force. Because as women, our eros, our erotic energy is our life force, right? It's what feeds us. And so our wealth is taught us to push it down, to cage us up to to cage it up, to disconnect from us. No wonder the majority of women walking around the world is so fucking exhausted because we're not tapped into this part of us and so, oh, you're most likely going to get there. I'm sure you can already feel if this resonates, if this this part of you you're feeling. Wow, this. I don't even feel like I've got this part of me in me or I struggle to connect to this part of me. Most likely, if this is you, you really struggle to be in your body during sex. You might really be, be be thinking a lot. Be, performing your pleasure. Be, really feeling like you're you're in your head in pleasure thinking that your only job is to please your partner. You you struggle to actually feel your own turn on or your connection. Maybe you're really disconnected from what you want. Maybe you're really disconnected from your desire for sex. So your libido. Yeah. Maybe you're also. And this definitely used to be me. I used to look at other women that were really, ironically alive when we'd be able to, like, circle their hips and move in different ways and just feel like really, really embodied in their sexuality. And I used to think that is not me actually used to judge the fuck out of those women. But I also used to think, that is not me. That will never be me. I'm just not that one of those women. If this is you, if you look at sexually liberated women and think that, triggered by them, judge them, think that's just not you or feel like there's something wrong with that. Most likely this is, a big sign that this is a part of you that you, are yet to acknowledge and own and liberate in your own body. This is probably a big, beaming light to say, hey, this part of you is ready to be reclaimed. This part of you is, is, is is ready to be the doorway to deeper liberation. Yeah. Okay. And you know, when when you're able to reclaim your erotically alive woman, when you're able to do the work to descend into your body, to connect to your pussy, to begin to, welcome pleasure and to build a relationship with your pussy and your pleasure and your eros in your body, your radiance in your body, your, your wildness, your primal, your primal nature, all of these different things. When you're able to connect to that, reclaim those parts of you, you're not only going to feel a transformation in your sex life, you will feel it in your sex life. You will go from having performative sex to having embodied authentic sex. You will go from feeling the need to just focus on your partner's pleasure, to actually knowing what you want, and being able to advocate for what you want. Right? You will go from, moving through life, feeling exhausted all really in your head as well to being able to move through life from your body, being fed by your lifeforce, your eroticism, your, yeah, your your your lifeforce. Oh. I just want to check if there's anything else I want to say. This one. Yeah. And I know you all know, like, I can I can spot an erotic, clean life woman, a woman that's that has reclaimed or awakened this part of herself. I can spot her when I when I step into a fucking room. Right. And I'm sure you all can as well. And there is a difference between a woman performing this and a woman authentically embodying this. And I'm talking about the authentic embodiment of this, right? These kind of women are radiant as fuck. They are magnetic as fuck, right? They're anchored in their body. They're alive in their body. They're expressive in their body. It's a really fucking beautiful thing to be in a room with a neurotically alive woman, right? It's a really fucking beautiful thing to be. And ironically, a live woman. A full stop. So this is really about feeling, shaking off the shame that we've inherited around our pussy, or on a pleasure around our eroticism, and stepping into being a woman that has liberated her sexual expression, unleashed her wild, primal nature, and is is leaving from that place in and outside the bedroom. So if this is if this is your result, there are some really sexy epic practices awaiting you as well. Really, really epic practices for this, for this result, this epic practices for all of them. But this one, this one has epic ones. True. Okay. Which one have we not done yet? Body led woman okay, this is out. This is our fourth and final one. So the body led woman is the archetype that's really about trusting your instincts. So this is the archetype within our culture that has been pushed down because for again, thousands of years, the world has disconnected us as women from our bodies, because this is the truth. When a woman is deeply fucking seated in her body, she cannot be beneath populated and she cannot be controlled. And so for thousands of years, you know, and I could go into where this began, you know, the church had a lot to do with it. Teaching women to disconnect from their sexuality, disconnect from their bodies, not trust their bodies, put their put their, yeah, but outsource their decision making and put all the power in someone outside of themselves. But when you disconnect a woman from her body, a when women in general, systematically disconnected from their bodies, they're disconnected from their power. When we are taught that when we cannot trust our instincts, right, we are able to be manipulated and controlled and coerced, and we see this. We see this in the birth space, in, you know, our modern day world, the birth space. We see this in relationships. We see this all over the fucking world. And so this archetype is really about coming home to our body and knowing that we, we, we hold the fucking key that our body, our instincts, are the compass. Our compass point. And no one, no one else is a motherfucking expert. We are the expert in our own experience, in our own life. You know, in our mothering, in our birthing, in our in our business, in our relationships. Everything. And again, you know, you can feel when a woman has awake, awoken this archetype within her. She doesn't second guess herself. Well, she doesn't. She might second guess herself, you know, very in very minute ways in her life. But she doesn't spend her entire days second guessing herself her entire days, asking everyone around her what she should do or where she should move next, or what decision she should make, right. She trusts herself. She's got a deep relationship with her body. She knows that God. So spirit life speaks to her through her body and she trusts that. Yeah. And so most likely this is going to be your result. If you're a woman that ignores the fuck out of the whispers or the screams, the yells, the very, the very loud voice of your inner instincts and I know every single woman listening to this knows that voice that I'm talking about, but it's it means jack shit to know that voice. If you're not acting on it. I know every single one of us has heard that voice before and not acted on us. Every single one of us has felt that like flaw in our belly that says, do that or don't do that, or don't trust that person or don't make that move. But we haven't listened the body lead woman. When you awaken and reclaim this archetype, it's feeling that instinct, feeling that inner knowing and acting on it and trusting it and living according to that. Yeah, they go hand in fucking hand. It can't be one without the other. And so you're going to get this result if you're someone who really finds yourself constantly second guessing yourself. If you hear that we spar or that nudge or that inner knowing a lot, but you you do, you do not listen. You listen to logic. You listen to, you do a pros and cons list. You listen to what is most rational rather than what feels most true. And this is the beautiful legacy that we get to experience once we awaken and reclaim this archetype. The body lean woman is we live a life. That's true. There's so many other beautiful things that happen when we awaken this archetype, and this is the main one. We live a life that's motherfucking true. Right. And I know a huge part of why you're listening to me speak right now is because that's what you want. You want that you want a relationship that feels true. You want a career and work and service that feels true. You want you want relationships and intimacy that feels true. You want you want all of your life to feel true. You don't want to rock up in any realm of your life and feel like, oh, this. No, this isn't no, this doesn't this doesn't feel right. And the woman that leads with her body and trust their instincts, she does not stay in a room that does does not feel true for her. She doesn't stay in relationships, but that does not feel true for her any longer than she needs to. She gets the nudge and she moves and she moves and she she listens to the nudge and she acts on the nudge, even when it doesn't make sense, even when it makes I want to throw up. Even when it's inconvenient as fuck. The woman that's reclaimed this part of her. Her instincts are in her knowing. It doesn't necessarily mean it's suddenly so easy for her to listen to her instincts and make those decisions. No, not at all. But she does it anyway. She trusted. There's no other fucking way. It's. It's listening and trusting my body or nothing, because she knows the pain of not trusting her body. Body? You know, the pain of not trusting your body. You know, the pain of of of saying yes when you really meant no. You know, the pain of, disregarding that ache in your belly or that oil in your belly and just going along pretending everything was okay, right? So when you become a woman that's reclaimed the body led woman, the this archetype, really this there's so many pieces I could go into right now, but I'm just going to, like, sum it up in one piece. Your life will feel true. All realms of your life will begin to feel like a deep reflection of what is true, a deep reflection of you, a deep reflection of what you deeply ache for and desire. Oh, I came, I love this. So if you haven't already done the quiz, I'm sure by now you really want to go and do that. So you're going to go over to the link below on my Instagram or Meg hyphen O'Neill dot com forward slash quiz. Like I said, on each result there is so much information. There's a really big PDF, there's a big videos, there's practices. I always say this when anyone comes into my work, it's so easy to listen to a podcast. It's so easy. When you get your quiz result, it'll be so easy to watch the video. It'll be so easy to open up the PDF. It's so fucking easy to do that quiz. What is not so easy is practicing the fucking work, doing the thing, leaning into that edge, reclaiming this part of you that you're going to receive. And so I really if this if this feels true for you, if this work resonates with you, lean in, take that next step, go in, do those practices start really, truly, consciously, intentionally reclaiming this part of you and this is this is the only way. This is the only way we reclaim. We reclaim these parts of us, and we step into being the full spectrum woman. We become the chambray carrying our lineage. We step into a life of deep embodiment and deep, deep liberation. In the micro moments. It doesn't happen by just doing the quiz and going, yes, I'm the deeply feeling woman. I am the fiercely expressed woman. No, it's the next time you're in, you're having sex with your partner, and then suddenly your body contracts and there's there's emotion there. You stop and you feel the emotion, and you let yourself be witnessed in it. Right? That's the deeply feeling woman. When next time you're in intimacy with your partner and you suddenly feel and know, you speak that into the space, you say, hey, actually, can we slow down? Can we actually stop? I'm just not feeling, I just need a moment or this isn't feeling true for me anymore, expressed woman. And when I say fiercely expressed woman, it's not a way she's spitting fire, but she's speaking truth. That's truth can be soft. That's truth can be gentle. That's truth. Truth. That truth can be full of fire. But it's truth. And so live this, live it in the micro moments of your life, in your relationships, you know? And again, a big thing I say in my work is that we, you know, if you're on this path to being a fully embodied woman, like a, a full spectrum woman. You're going to be leaning in even when it feels inconvenient. You're going to be stretching into your edges. You're going to be, leaning into the moments that feel uncomfortable. And this is always when we when we haven't expressed or embodied a part of us before. Of course, it's going to feel uncomfortable. Of course it's going to feel awkward. Of course we want to just do the same thing we usually do, like say yes instead of no, or like just let our friend overstep a boundary that we haven't spoken into the space or just continue to perform our way through sex instead of actually asking our partner to slow down so we can breathe and actually find our authentic pleasure. Yeah, so. We shift. We transform in the micro moments. So choose the transformation in the micro moments and my loves, if you want more then than this, than just the quiz and all that comes with the quiz. Come and join us in full spectrum in the membership. This is really a full spectrum moment is really about reclaiming all of these archetypes that have spoken about in all the parts of us that the world of taught us is wrong. Fill in the fucking blank. This is the place to be in my work. This is like one of the only ways I work with women, and I cannot wait to have you inside. The link is below or you can go to Mag hyphen O'Neill dot com forward slash full spectrum woman I think that's the link. If that doesn't work, you'll find it somewhere on Instagram or in the link below. I love you. And if you're listening to this before the 22nd of Feb, I think we'll still have a few tickets left. A full spectrum woman live. So it's this coming Saturday. If you're on the Gold Coast con, this is going to be so fucking epic. I cannot wait to give you all the downloads afterwards here on the podcast. I love you, I love you, I love you.

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