Sex, Love & Everything In Between

Ep 104: For all the chain-breaking women

Meg and Jacob O'Neill Episode 104

You are the woman rewriting what it means to be a woman in your lineage. You are the chain breaker."

Still getting used to solo episodes, Meg sits down for an intimate deep dive into what it means to be the woman who says, “No more.” No more shrinking. No more silencing. No more carrying generational shame. This one’s for the women rewriting the rules, reclaiming their bodies, and remembering the power that has always been theirs.

This isn’t just about “healing” — it’s about remembering. About waking up the parts of you that generations before had to suppress. About standing in your full-spectrum feminine, untamed and unapologetic. Whether you’ve felt this awakening brewing inside or you’re just starting to recognize the weight of what you’re breaking free from, this episode will land deep.

Meg also riffs on:

  • Why you’re not just breaking cycles—you’re remembering ancient wisdom.
  • The women in your lineage who were once revered for their feminine power.
  • A plant medicine journey that cracked open a new level of embodiment.
  • How feminine energy isn’t something to “learn” but something to unleash.
  • The micro-decisions that make you a chain breaker every single day.
  • Why owning your voice, sexuality, and wild feminine fire changes everything.
  • How your liberation ripples through generations to come.

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#ChainBreaker #FemininePower #GenerationalHealing #ReclaimYourPower #WildFeminine #BreakTheCycle #OwnYourVoice #UntamedWoman #AncestralWisdom #LiberatedWoman

Hey beautiful humans. Welcome to sex, love and everything in between. You're here with Jacob and my wife, Meg. And this is the place where we have all the very, very real, raw and extremely unfiltered conversations about sex, love and everything in between. Oh, yeah. It's here. You get a behind the scenes look into our relationship, and we will not be holding back what we might not know. You don't know how to do that. Not at all. Sorry. Beautiful ones. Thank you for being here. Enjoy this episode. I love, I love, I love, I love thinking about the fact that there have been many, many, many full spectrum women in your bloodline. It might not have been for the past few thousand years, but before that there exists you have ancestors that were anchored in their womb. You have ancestors that could experience multiple orgasms. Maybe you had ancestors that were like sex witches or priestesses, right? You had ancestors that trusted their bodies, that were anchored in their eroticism, that trusted birth. You had ancestors that were revered Yo yo yo lovers. Welcome, welcome, welcome to sex, love and everything in between. Where the O'Neals. You're here with Meg and Jacob. And this is the place we have really uncensored conversations about sex, intimacy and relationships. Well, super excited you're here. Enjoy this episode. It. Hi my loves. It is Meg and I'm solo today. It's just you and me for a very intimate conversation. Truth? The truth is, Jacob and I actually find it very challenging to record podcast together now that we have a four month old. He's actually four months old today. Now we have a four month old. He's no longer a newborn who doesn't sleep for hours and hours and hours at a time. So we can't just strap him on in podcast because he'll be awake. So maybe expect a few more solo episodes from us as we navigate this. We are not going anywhere. Jacob and I definitely going to keep giving you at least 1 or 2 episodes together each month, maybe even more, but just just giving you the heads up. There's some solo episodes to come. So this is our first ever solo episode of the podcast. I'm very excited. We're going to have an episode. We're going to have a conversation about being the chain breaker of your lineage. Because even if you've never thought about this before, even if you've never considered this, you are most likely just going to say you are. Definitely. If you're listening to this, the chain breaker of your lineage, you are the woman that is rewriting what it means to be a woman for your bloodline. You are doing things differently than the women that came before you, the many generations that came before you. And we're going to have a conversation about that. But first, if you can get yourself to the Gold Coast on the 22nd of February, you're going to want to join me for Full Spectrum Woman Lives. It's going to be me and 100 other women in a room an entire day devoted to revering and embodying the full spectrum feminine, right? All the parts of us as women that we've been taught are wrong or shameful or not feminine enough, or we can't be, because that's not what a good girl is right to embody. All the flavors, all the textures, our full range of woman 100 women in a room devoted to this. Oh my gosh, I'm so fucking excited. I've been running full Spectrum Woman online. It was an online program and now it's a membership. I've been doing that for almost five years and this is our first live event, and I'm so excited to squeeze so many of you in person that I've known online for years and years and years, and there's so many women also coming that, you know, have never been inside full spectrum. Woman. Oh, this is the first time in my work. So if you've never joined a program of mine, if you've this this is the first episode you're ever listening to. You are still very, very, very welcome. There's going to be so much sisterhood in the room as well. We actually have so many women. Once you get your ticket, you're going to be invited to a telegram group chat. And there's actually so many women, joining together and booking accommodation together and turning it into like, a whole girls weekend. So if that's your vibe, too, and you want to meet new sisters and you want to connect with women that are on this same journey of awakening their feminine and and being devoted to full expression and their full range as women, you're going to want to get yourself a ticket. Like I said, less than 40 tickets left. Probably less. Now, once you're listening to this, link is in the show notes here, or DM me live on Instagram or head to Meg hyphen. I always forget that Meg hyphen O'Neil dot com forward slash ssw hyphen live. Okay, back to our conversation about being a chain breaking woman, because that's what you all. You are the woman in your lineage that is rewriting what it means to be a woman, right? You are standing up and really saying no. More like no more. No more shrinking, no more contorting, no more diluting. You as a woman that's really breaking free of the conditioning that has kept many women in your bloodline caged right, has kept their power diluted and caged up right now. I said that you're a chain breaking woman, and you're here to rewrite what it means to be woman for your bloodline. But one of the things I really love thinking about is that actually, yes, you're breaking the chains, but you're not the first woman in your lineage to be stepping into her full spectrum. I love, I love, I love, I love thinking about the fact that there have been many, many, many full spectrum women in your bloodline. It might not have been for the past few thousand years, but before that there exists you have ancestors that were anchored in their womb. You have ancestors that could experience multiple orgasms. Maybe you had ancestors that were like sex witches or priestesses, right? You had ancestors that trusted their bodies, that were anchored in their eroticism, that trusted birth. You had ancestors that were revered in in their communities and in their collective for being women, that their womanhood, their femininity, like not just femininity, softness, sweetness, like their full powered femininity was worshiped and revered and celebrated. Isn't that such a fucking stunning thing to think about? And so, yes, you're rewriting what it means to be woman, but only just for the last few thousand years, right? You're actually remembering what it means to be woman. You're reawakening the deep feminine wisdom, the ancient feminine wisdom that has been laying dormant in your body, in your lineage, in your bloodline. Right. It's there. It's ready to be awakened. I truly believe this. That the feminine it isn't just this like surface level. I'm going to put on lipstick and I'll put roses in my bathtub and I'll wear a flowy dress that's not the feminine, the feminine to me, is a deep pulse within our blood. Right? It's a deep pulse within our bones. It's an energy that lives in our cells. And we live in a world. And many of our foremothers write generations, maybe for the last few thousand years, have lived in a world where this feminine pulse, the lifeblood of the feminine, that lives in every woman and every man, but every woman, we have lived in a world that has pushed that down, that has made women caged that up, right, that has kept that wisdom dormant. Yeah. And you are the woman. You are the woman standing up and saying, no more. No longer will this lay dormant. I am here to reawaken this wisdom, to not only reawaken but embody this, to embody all the parts of me that my mother, all the parts of woman that my mother, my grandmother, my great grandmother never got a chance to, that it wasn't safe enough for them to. In full chills right now. Can you feel that? Can you feel like this work, whether you're doing, whether you're like the practicing self-pleasure in your you're clearing the shame from your body so that you can become more alive in your pleasure or you're learning to use your voice in relationship. You're learning to to say no and stand strong in your boundaries. A lot of these things, many of the women that came before you weren't able to do, didn't feel safe enough to do right. And you are the woman that's reawakening this in your bloodline. So the women that come after you, the many women that come after you, whether it's in, you know, your your blood daughters or just the daughters of our planet, that these women don't have to do the work of reawakening this. They don't have to do the work of sifting through the shame and the suppression, and all of these inherited stories, right, that live in our body. The women to come don't have to do that, because you, me, all of these women, all of these women here doing this work, we are doing it in our own bodies. So the women of the future don't have to. Can you feel that? That's what it means to be a chain breaker. That's what it means to be a chain breaker of of of of. So those coming to Full Spectrum Woman live, one of my favorite, one of my favorite things to do is to guide women. And you'll experience this because this is one of the first things we're going to do together. I love guiding women through a, a journey. It's like a guided journey and embodiment journey of of really visualizing all the women that came before them. And seeing a sea of faces before them. And looking for a full spectrum woman in those sea of faces and the sea of faces being all the women that came before them. Your mother, your grandmother, your great grandmother, your great great great grandmother, all of the women as far back is as you can possibly even imagine. And looking for a a full spectrum woman in in those sea of faces and it's such a moving practice to to go through because firstly, it can be quite heartbreaking to, to witness and feel that wow, so many of the women that came before me, one expressed, they felt the pain of pushing down their voice, of pushing down their wisdom of, of, caging so many parts of themselves and maybe not even realizing, the fullness that was available to them. Right? Being dissociated from the full expression that was available to them. And then it's also so beautiful to, to attune to, like I said before, the full spectrum women that existed in our lineage, our ancestors that were embodied in the full, the full expression, the full spectrum of their feminine power, the ancestors that lived, all lived that were anchored in their body, their sexuality, their voice that was celebrated for their womanhood, for their fertility, for their aliveness, for their eroticism, for their wild, untamed feminine power, like those kind of women exist in your bloodline. How fucking cool is that? And then the next part of the visualization, I get women to really tune in and see in you see your faces and imagine these are the women to come, all the women to come and yeah, I'm actually just going to leave it there because I don't want to spoil this process for anyone that ever does it with me. So I'm sorry for teasing you with that. I actually want to tell a bit of a story about the first time that I realized that I was the chain breaker in my lineage, and it was about six years ago, and it was actually during a plant medicine ceremony. And I'd been in I'd been on my spiritual journey for about like five years by then. But so much of my spiritual journey at that stage had been what I call shoulders up. It had been, you know, the mind stuff, the affirmation, the positive thinking, the I'm a stay high vibe. I don't want to feel any low vibrational things. I'm a high vibe girly. That was kind of my spiritual journey up until that point. And I and I think that was a beautiful part of my journey. But, yeah, I'm all about descending into the body rather than trying to ascend out of our human experience. Descending is where the magic is. Is a woman. So about six years ago, I done a few plant medicine ceremonies. Actually done quite a lot of plant medicine ceremonies before this. But this particular ceremony, I found myself there was music playing, and I found myself standing and just beginning to dance. And one thing you need to know about me is before this moment, I didn't believe I could dance. I was the kind of woman that just, like, danced by, like, throwing my arms up in the air and just kind of, like, bouncing up and down. I looked at women that could move their hips and suckle their hips, and I was like, that's not me. I could never be like that. I was never someone who thought I was sexy. I was never someone that thought I had any, like, wild or dick energy in me. I would have looked at other women at the time that were that and thought I'd probably judge them, but I also probably thought, oh, that's not me. I could never be like that. And so during this plant medicine ceremony, I started to dance, and I started to move my hips in a way that I had never, ever moved my hips. It was like it was like I was being moved. I wasn't moving my body. My my body was moving me. And I started to circle and almost like, grind my hips in a way that I'd never before. And it was like this energy was so alive on my hips, and it started to just circle and wave through my entire body. And this happened, this, this, this went on for a good like a, well, let's be honest, two fucking nights, because I was I was in a ceremony, and the time does not exist in those things. But let's just say it went on for a really long time. And I remember one of the most beautiful things about that experience is that I had never felt so at home in my body. I had never felt so at home, full stop as I was circling my hips and moving in this way, my body had never moved. It was like I was tasting. It was like I was unlocking the depth of my feminine power. It was like this oozing of feminine energy was just washing over every cell of my body. And I was I was feeling for the first time this wild, untamed, deeply primal, feminine energy. This like ancient feminine, primal wisdom that was no longer lying dormant in my body. But I had it. I had unlocked, and it was the most delicious. But simultaneously, deeply homecoming experience I had ever had. And like I said, this went on and on and on. And next minute I found myself dropping to my knees and I realized it's going to make me cry. I found myself dropping to my knees and my hands came to the earth and me. It was like there was dirt and there was mud, and I made my knees on the earth and my hands were grabbing the soil and I just started to wail. I started to wail and cry and cry and cry. And I was crying for all the women that came before me that never got to experience this, but never got to feel their bodies like this. They never got to unlock the primal feminine wisdom that was laying dormant in their body, in the womb, in their pussy. And I was crying for them, and I was crying for what that meant for that life. Like all the moments, they stayed silent when they really wanted to say no, what they really wanted to say, please. All the times they outsourced their power when they really fucking knew they could feel the instincts or the inner wisdom. Yeah. All the times they pushed down the depth of their sensitivity. All the times they, they contorted themselves. They diluted themselves to stay palatable. Palatable to, to really stay fucking safe. And so in this moment, I just felt such deep grief. It was just waves and waves and waves of grief just washing over me for specifically my mother and my grandmother and. Yeah, just just feeling. Just feeling the grief that from my assumption, they never got to experience this. This awakened feminine power. And in that moment. And this is really where full spectrum woman was born. And this idea of being the chain breaker in this moment, I really fucking felt that this was my. This was my devotion to. Yes, that I it was heartbreaking that the women that came before me. Did not have an opportunity or didn't feel safe enough to feel this feminine power and unleash it in their bodies and unleash it in their life and live accordingly and live from this place. But it was also such a beautiful thing that I got to be the woman that awoken this power within my body. So my daughters and my daughters, daughters and all the women to come didn't have to forget that this thing didn't lay dormant in them, that it was alive in them. Like, imagine this, this is this is one of the things I love thinking about. And, you know, I have a son, but I hope to have a daughter. And even if I don't have a daughter, my sons will know. You know what it means to me to be woman. But I love the idea of having a daughter and her not having to, the her not having to. Oh, not having to do the work of meeting the shame that lives on top of her sexuality or to not have to do the work of learning how to be in her full range, or to feel her feelings, or to process emotions. Right? As a woman, like the idea that, you know, I get to do this work in my body and my legacy gets to be a liberated daughter. Like, that's just a beautiful, nice, beautiful thing to think about. And I truly believe, like, I truly believe we as women are here to change the world. Like we can change the world. The only way a human can get onto the planet is by growing in the body of a woman. Like we matter. How we feel matters. How we move through life matters, right? Yeah. So the way we like us, liberating. Ourselves. Us truly stepping out of the box that the world taught us. That we should stay in as a woman. This little box of kind, palatable, sweet, soft, surrendered all of these good little girl qualities. This is actually a box that keeps us able to be controlled and manipulated, right? A woman isn't just sweet, soft, and surrendered a woman, right? A woman has the capacity to feel rage. A true woman, right, is erotically and wildly alive. A true woman has the ability to speak fire, to spit fire when she needs to. Yeah, she is chaos. She is mess. She is all of it. This is what it means to be a full spectrum woman. And I truly believe a woman that dilutes any part of her self, dilutes her power. Right? When we're caging up any part of our self as woman, we are caging up our power. The doorway, the portal to our power. More of our power, more of our liberation. Walking through the world, more liberated, more free, more anchored in our power is by reclaiming the parts of us that the world told us were wrong. Reclaiming the parts of us woman that we've been told we're not allowed to express or embody. Like this is the way, right? The clue is any anything, the world, anything the patriarchy told us as women that we shouldn't do or shouldn't be. That's the key. That's a clue to what's going to liberate us. That's a key to what's going to bring us home to more of our power. Right? Follow the fucking clues. Our sexuality, a pussy, a voice, our fire, the depths of our emotions outrage, all of it. That's the doorway to more of our power. And again, a lot of the time, you know, if I think about my own mother or my own grandmothers, these women, these women lived in the box. These women didn't live a lifetime where they were able to speak the truth. They didn't live lives where they were anchored in that pleasure, right? Where they felt safe in their body to unleash their eroticism, to be wildly alive and alive and desire. I haven't seen that in my bloodline, in the women that I've met here on Earth. Right. Again, it's such a beautiful, beautiful thought to think of the women in my bloodline, potentially thousands of years ago, that were erotically alive and fiercely expressed and celebrated for the the depth of their feminine power, the connection they had to their instincts, to their inner knowing, to their oracular nature. Like, that's so fucking beautiful, that's so fucking beautiful. And again, me, you, all the women in this community are chain breaking women that are remembering this, that are awakening, this ancient wisdom that lives in our bodies no longer will it stay dormant. May we and all the women that come next, or the door, our daughters or the daughters of our planet, may they, may they know what it means to be a fully expressed woman, a fully alive woman, a full spectrum woman who, unlike in this solo episode thing. Let's see what I'm doing for time. Okay. Let me tune in to see if there's anything else I want to shift. Yeah. Okay. This is one last thing I think I want to share. To be a to be a chain breaking woman. This isn't just like one. One moment while we go. I'm the chain breaking woman of my lineage. I. No more shrinking, no more contorting, no more diluting. I'm going to be fully expressed. We don't just say that once, and then we're the chain breaking women. We choose to be the chain breaking woman. It's like a moment by moment decision. It doesn't really happen in the macro of our life. It happens in the micro of our life. Right? It's when we're with a sexual partner and we're in the throes of lovemaking, and then suddenly we're no right. Being a chain breaking woman in that moment is to say, no is to use our voice right, to express our no instead of just continuing to go on, because that's what our partner wants. Right. Being the chain breaking woman means. Trusting our instincts. You know, that voice, that whisper. And sometimes it's not a whisper. Sometimes it's an inner voice. But that part of you that that is that is telling you. It's telling you the thing. Telling you to do the thing, telling you to stop. The thing telling you to leave the relationship, telling you to make the move like whatever it is, you know, that voice being the chain breaking woman is listening to that voice. No matter how inconvenient it is, no matter how much you're worried about what people are going to think of you, no matter how much it doesn't make sense, no matter how, much your mother or your father or your someone says you shouldn't do that right. Being the chain breaking woman is trusting those instincts. Being a body led woman. Right? So being the chain breaking woman leaves in the micro of your life? Yeah. Every single day you have the opportunity to be the chain breaking woman again. It doesn't happen by just saying that's what you are. It's in the way you move as a woman. It's in the way you wife. It's in the way you mother. It's in the way you relate. It's in. It's in the way you use your voice. It's in the way you inhabit your body. Yeah. The chain breaking woman, right, is connected to her pussy. Yeah. She has moved through the shame the world has taught her to feel around her vulva and her pussy. Yeah, she knows how to breathe down into her pussy. She knows how to touch her pussy. She's gazed in the mirror at her pussy. Yeah, she no longer believes like her. And like the generations before her were taught that her pussy is a shameful thing, a dirty thing, something that's wrong with her. Something that's broken. Something that she should should stay disconnected from the chain breaking woman. Yeah. Is reclaiming her pussy. She's breathing into her pussy. She's listening to her pussy. Right? When her pussy says no, she advocates for her pussy. So can you see that being the chain breaking woman is is a moment by moment, day to day practice. It's a diversion. It's. It's a diversion. Oh, okay. My loves, this has been really fucking beautiful. If you if, you know, you're the chain breaking woman in your lineage and you love to be amongst other chain breaking women, and you'd also love guidance and support as you live out being the chain breaking woman as you as you, you walk the path the day to day, micro moment, moment to moment, path of being the chain breaking moment. If you want some support, sisterhood, guidance number one, get yourself the full spectrum woman live. But if you can't make it a full spectrum on live, come and join me in the membership. This is a really, really, really sacred, beautiful part of my work. It's actually one of the only ways you can work with me really intimately. It's a membership. We have 40 plus women inside, and we. This is a space for chain breaking women. We have a whole curriculum devoted to supporting you to awaken your full spectrum feminine. Again, awakening all the parts, remembering, reclaiming all the parts that we as women have been told not to be, not to embody, the, monthly coaching course with me. There's bi monthly relationship Q&A. So every second month Jacob comes in and we do a relationship Q&A. We actually just had one before this and it was epic. The women always ask Jacob the best questions. And it's so great to have him in the space in his masculine perspective. We have tons of guest Coles. What else do we have? You get free tickets to full Spector Woman live. Oh my gosh, there's so much there's a whole career. There's a whole pathway. We have pathways on awakening, your eroticism and sexuality, and there's hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of guided self-pleasure practices. We have a monthly embodiment practice of pleasure practice where we all get together and I guide you through, sometimes it's sex magic, sometimes it's a diamond practice. Sometimes it's another embodiment practice that's really alive in the space. You just got to get yourself inside. There's so much. Oh, we have an epic group telegram chat where we all connect, and you can create sisterhood. Anyway, there's so much there. And if you're wanting sisterhood on this path of being the chain breaking woman, if you're wanting support on really descending into your body as a woman and really awakening this, this feminine power that lives in your cells, it's pulsing in your blood and bones and it's there. And if you're ready to remember it and reawaken it and live from that place, come inside full spectrum in the membership. There's a link below, or just DM me membership on Instagram. I love you guys and this is big work. I say this every single time I end a full spectrum open call. I literally tell the women I'm like, I'm so grateful. Like I never want I never want this to. What am I trying to say? Yeah. Like I'm just so grateful to every woman that's doing this work. And I truly am circling back to what I said before. I truly believe that we as we as women are here to change the fucking planet like we as women, the awakened woman will change the fucking world. We really will. Like. Women are the lifeblood of our planet, and our planet has suffered for thousands of years because our culture hasn't honored that. It hasn't revealed that. And we as women that are remembering that, that, standing up and saying, no longer will I be able to be manipulated and controlled, here I am in my full fucking power. Like that is rippling out and yeah, we're going to see that. We are seeing that in the collective. And it's just such an honor to to do this work and to witness women. Yeah, to witness women, to witness women. Full fucking stop, I love you. Thank you. Thank you. This has been a spun solo episode. I adore each and every one of you. I will see you soon. Yo yo yo. Thank you so much for tuning in to another episode of sex, love and Everything in between. Now, if you'd like to stay connected with Megan, you can head on over to Instagram and follow me at the Jacob O'Neil. And where can people find you? Love her at the dot, Megan O. Amazing. And yeah, guys, check out the show notes for all other information in regards to what we've got coming up. And yeah, we're super, super grateful that you guys have taken the time to listen in to this podcast. If you do have any topics or any questions, like I said, hit us up on Instagram and we'll see what we can do apart from that. Have a beautiful, beautiful rest of your day. Thanks for being. Here. Big, big love.

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